Drama & Theatre Studies

Practical exploration and performance work lies at the heart of the course. You will explore a range of contrasting plays and practitioners through practical workshops, as well as giving two assessed performances: one scripted and one devised. You will also learn to write about theatre, analysing and evaluating plays you have studied and productions you have seen. Theatre trips and workshops with visiting industry professionals are organised by the college and are an integral part of the course. Assessment is through a combination of performance, coursework and written exams.

Drama and Theatre Studies strikes a perfect balance between hands-on practice and deep theoretical exploration. This unique blend not only enhances your performance skills but also sharpens your ability to dissect and analyse dramatic works in a meticulous and thoughtful manner. Throughout your journey, you’ll refine your skill in close reading, which is crucial for unravelling the layers of complex texts. Additionally, you’ll become adept at crafting well-structured essays, a valuable skill that transcends the boundaries of this subject and applies to a wide array of university courses.

The versatility of this program is reflected in the diverse paths that past students have taken. Many have pursued degrees in English, Drama, Acting, and Media, showcasing the program’s capacity to equip graduates with skills and insights that remain valuable across various academic and professional pursuits.


What Will I Learn?

The course offers a diverse programme that includes:

  • Professionally led workshops
  • Theatre trips to the West End, fringe and drama schools such as the National Theatre, the Old Vic, Donmar Warehouse and RADA.
  • Participation in scripted and devised ensemble work.
  • Evening performance showcase of student work.


Course breakdown

Drama and Theatre  – Exam Paper – 40% of marks

Creating Original Drama – Coursework and Performance Exam – 30% of marks

Making Theatre – Coursework and Performance Exam – 30% of marks


Drama & Theatre

You will write about two set texts, Antigone by Sophocles and Our Country’s Good by Timberlake Wertenbaker, from the perspective of an actor, director and designer. You will also write an evaluation of a piece of live theatre seen as part of the course.

Creating Original Drama

You will create and perform a unique and original piece of theatre, inspired by a stimulus and influenced by the work of a recognised practitioner. You will write a piece of coursework explaining and evaluating the research you carried out and your rehearsal process.

Making Theatre

You will rehearse and perform extracts from three contrasting plays. One performance will be inspired by the work of a recognised practitioner, and will be assessed by a visiting examiner. You will write a piece of coursework, analysing and evaluating your interpretation of the three texts.


Drama GCSE is beneficial although not essential.



I love Drama. My favorite part of the A-Level Year 12 drama course has been studying “Yerma” by Federico Garcia Lorca. As a woman, I believe that the societal pressure to have children is a topic that is not discussed enough. Performing extracts from “Yerma” during the Christmas showcase was incredibly rewarding. As an aspiring actor, performing for a live audience is exhilarating and reaffirms my passion for acting. Additionally, we had the wonderful opportunity to see several famous West End plays. Among them, my personal favorites were “Cabaret” and “People, Places & Things.” Lexi, Year 12

I have really enjoyed drama in Lower Sixth for many reasons. This year has taught me many new skills, and I think I have become more confident in my acting. By far, one of my favorite aspects was the scripted piece we had to perform. I love naturalistic acting, and it was really fun working in a group and performing it in the Christmas showcase. I can’t wait for next year when we get to perform two scripted pieces. Something that I surprisingly ended up really enjoying was devising. It was incredibly rewarding to be proud of the piece my group created, especially since it was about something I’m passionate about. I also feel incredibly lucky to have been able to go on as many theatre trips as we have, and I really enjoyed almost all of them! Lola, Year 12

Examination board: AQA


“I think the most important thing is that kids love the school. I have highly recommended it to a number of friends – now their children go there and are very happy!”