
Scholarship Information

The College awards scholarships to students who demonstrate outstanding achievement in academic, artistic, music and drama fields of study. They must have proved their ability by achieving excellent public examination results and a reference from their previous school. Students must also have an exceptional commitment to their studies as well as exemplary behaviour and attitude. All applications must be received by 31st of January preceding the academic year.

Scholarship Application Process

A student should write to the Principal, Candida Cave stating their reasons for applying. Applicants will then be asked to write a 500-word account of their achievements and interests and the reasons they wish to study at Hampstead Fine Arts.

Selected applicants will then be invited to attend an interview with the Principal and Head and submit a piece of work or be auditioned. This should be accompanied a relevant digital portfolio or show reel.


The College has a small number of bursaries available for partial remission of tuition fees. The applications are assessed by an external organisation.

The deadline for 2024-2025 bursary applications is 31st January of the preceding academic year.

Bowkett Financial Awards

Laurence Bowkett taught at Hampstead Fine Arts from 1988 until his death in 2002. A graduate in Ancient History and Archaeology, Laurence was a practicing archaeologist who worked all over Europe and published books on Hellenistic Mycenae and archaeology. Laurence inspired a generation of students with his passion for the ancient world and was much loved as a paternal, caring Director of Studies. He was a very special member of Hampstead Fine Arts.

Bowkett Financial Awards are given to exceptional students, on completion of their A-Level courses.